INSTRUCTIONS To create thumbnail trend graphs ('Sparklines') on webpages using webtags from Cumulus. 1) If you are already using cumuluswebtags add the contents of sparkline_tags.txt to your cumuluswebtags.txt file. 2) If you have no existing webtags file, Save 'sparkline_tags.txt' and have Cumulus Process and Upload as sparkline_tags.php In spark.php change the path to your webtags file. FOR EXAMPLE: include("/sparkline_tags.php"); OR include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/cumulus/cumuluswebtags.php"); 3) Upload to your WEBSPACE in the directory of your choice: jquery.min.js jquery.sparkline.min.js spark.php 4) Add to the WEBPAGE that requires Sparklines: 5) Insert one of the following in html at the location you wish the relevant Sparkline to appear: .. .. .. .. Only if supplied by weather station. .. .. 'Pie' chart of average wind direction. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6) If no Sparklines appear: Check sparkline_tags.php is populated on webserver. If 'View Source' of page shows Variables to be empty or zero, check Name/Paths of webtag file. 7) Customisation: a) Under user variables in spark.php there are limited colour choices. b) $width = 60; //Graph width $height = 16;//Graph height - Set the desired width and height of the Sparkline - Should not be larger than the holding container! c) $cnt = 12; //number of data points/tags for graph. This allow the number of webtags/datapoints on the graph to be changed. Default is 12 with supplied tags. d) $param = array( temp, rain, wind, solar, baro); // names - Add other parameters here - ensuring webtags are created FIRST !. Other parameters may be created and added here ensure additional webtags are created and number must equal $cnt. e) Time intervals may be changed by editing sparklines_tag.txt (See Cumulus Wiki - f) A page using colours/tags as supplied here can be seen at g) More advanced custom options available at